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Today is World Soil Day, Let the Children Know, Catch Them Young!


                                                         By Ogeri Rosemary Idika


It is 5th of December! I feel so excited! Yes, it’s another soil day celebration! And this year’s theme is quite interesting – “Soils and Water :A source of life.”

For me it brings a resolution, awareness of soil for very young children. I realise that when you catch them young, you have a better chance to educate and create an appreciation for the usefulness and care of soil.

The realization, that the awareness is not just for children living in the rural area. But also for children living in the city as they also benefit from the teachings of soil and they encouraged to plant in pots and placed in the terrace and the care of the soil placed on them.

This is very important as we see the pressure the soil is under. That is why the FAO director – General QU Dongyu said “Our soils are under pressure as the World faces a global, collective and urgent challenge: Preserving the critical balance of soil and water. We urgently need to prioritize soil and conservation in all international agendas.”

As, such all hands must be on deck to put soil on the right track- but catching them young!




Ms Idika is a Senior Reearch Officer with the Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria (RRIN), Iyanomo, Benin City, Edo State

She can be reached via


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