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LGAs Received N1.08 trillion in Between Jan and June 2023 from Federation Account-NEITI

Local Government Areas in Nigeria has collected a whopping N1.08 trillion or 24.8 per cent of the total distributable revenue from the federation account in the first six months of 2023, a Nigerian government report has shown.

 According to the report of the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI) on the Federation Account revenue allocations for the first half of the year 2023 published last Thursday, the three tiers of government, Federal, States and Local Governments shared a total of N4.7 trillion from the federation account from January to June 2023.

Speaking at unveiling of the report, the Executive Secretary of NEITI, Dr. Orji Ogbonnaya orji revealed that “each tier of government received more than N1 trillion over the six-month period.”

According to the report, the three tiers shared N2.32 trillion and N2.04 trillion  for the first and second quarters of the year under review respectively.

The report showed that the federal government received about N1.78 trillion, or 40.7 per cent, the State governments received N1.5 trillion, or 34.5 per cent, while the Local government councils received N1.08 trillion or 24.8 per cent.

Despite the huge allocations collected by the local governments, Nigerians are worries that there is no evidence that the funds were ever used for public service which the constitution requires that the funds be spent on.

Several state governors have refused to allow people at the local government elect their leaders, and rather appoint “caretaker” leaderships who have been accused as mere accounting officers to governors.

In states where there are “elected” local government leaderships, the state governors also do not allow the elected officials work.

Across various states, local no longer engage in road rehabilitation, electricity of healthcare services.

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